Best Property Management Companies in Bangalore: How to Select

Know how to evaluate a Property Management service, Things to check, Questions to ask, Models available and Problems Owners may face.
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Know these Before you find Tenants in Bangalore in 2019

Things to know before you find Tenants - Tenant mentality, vacancy, rental Trends in Bangalore, smart optimisations for best rental returns.
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Tips to maintain modern homes and save huge on repairs

Simple tips that you should know about maintaining modern houses and saving huge costs on repairs and replacements.
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Preventive Maintenance Inspections before it is too late

Identify issues in your property at nascent stage and fix them at a fraction of costs before it is too late. Seek the help of a professional and protect your property for the long term.
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Some Issues to identify in a Detailed Property Inspection

An Inspection done by a professional should also identity issues that are not very obvious and save the Owner/ Tenant from expensive repairs that may not even promise perfect restoration of the property. These inspections can help an Owner to do a Proper Final settlement of a vacating tenant and help to recover costs.
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How to Restore a property to its Mint Condition at Minimal cost

Restoring a Property can be very time consuming and expensive. Make sure that repairs and replacements are smartly done so that issues do not crop up again. Save money and time by resolving an issue for ever instead of doing patch work.
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Maintenance of your property for longterm returns

There are two kinds of return on investment in real estate. Rent, which can be invested to pay...
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Why qualified bachelor tenants may be better for your property in Bangalore

Read about comparison between tenant types, which is better and why, some calculations, questions to ask a tenant etc.
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